David Letterman re-addressed the controversy surrounding his jokes about Sarah Palin's family during the taping of CBS' "Late Show" on Monday.
Letterman said he had no idea Palin was at the Yankees game with her 14-year-old daughter, Willow, when he joked about her getting "knocked up" by player Alex Rodriguez last week.
"I had, honestly, no idea that the 14-year-old girl, I had no idea that anybody was at the ball game except the governor, and I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Giuliani," Letterman said. "It’s not your fault that it was misunderstood, it’s my fault. ... So I would like to apologize, especially to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke."
Fire David Letterman Movement Announces Fire David Letterman Rally Tuesday, 4:30 pm at Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City
NEW YORK, Jun 15, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- A diverse coalition of concerned citizens, whose website is www.FireDavidLetterman.com, today announced a Fire David Letterman Rally on Tuesday, June 16, from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm on the sidewalks outside the Ed Sullivan Theater, located at 1697 Broadway in New York City. CBS films the Late Show with David Letterman at the Ed Sullivan Theater. Tuesday's show, hosted by Letterman, will be taped at 5:30 pm, and will feature guest Michelle Pfeiffer.
Anna Barone, who worked for Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign, and later for Democrats for McCain, called on CBS CEO Les Moonves to fire David Letterman for his sexist insults of both Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Palin's 14 year old daughter.
"David Letterman's disgraceful comments were a violation of standards of common decency. They were as bad as the comments Don Imus made that caused CBS to fire him in 2007. CBS needs to apply the same standards to David Letterman they applied to Don Imus," said Barone.
Letterman would NEVER have said a joke about Obama's kids. This is just the left's hate Palin act. Very weak act. I wonder what the reason will be in four years why they hate Palin. Could it be they hate her because she draws 20,000 people for her speeches. Could it be because she is pro life or because she is a life member of the NRA. Maybe because she is for less government and lower taxes. Maybe because she is for drilling for oil here in the USA. Maybe because she didn't have a team of advisers, advising her for the last two years like the other candidates. Maybe she didn't have the experience, but nether did Obama. I am sure they will come up with some reason the hate her.They always do.
- The White House's decision to fire AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin came amid politically-charged tensions inside the Corporation for National and Community Service, the organization that runs AmeriCorps. Top executives at the Corporation, Walpin explained in an hour-long interview Saturday, were unhappy with his investigation into the misuse of AmeriCorps funds by Kevin Johnson, the former NBA star who is now mayor of Sacramento, California and a prominent supporter of President Obama. When is the investigation going to start?
- The Obama White House has denied requests by msnbc.com and a nonpartisan watchdog group for the names of White House visitors. The watchdog group says it will file suit Tuesday, accusing Obama of "following the same anti-transparency policy as the Bush administration." So much for transparency.
On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!
That's what you get with state run media.
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