Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Boomers fault, NOT!

Not the Baby Boomers fault. #2
Gen X, Z, Min never had to deal with.

The Antiwar Vietnam Movement

Kent State University in Ohio, four demonstrators were killed by shots fired by the Ohio National Guard.

Kent State shootingsKent State massacre.jpg
Following Richard Nixon's announcement that U.S. troops would be sent into Cambodia, protests began on college campuses throughout the nation. At Kent State University in Ohio, four demonstrators were killed by shots fired by the Ohio National Guard.
Of all the lessons learned from Vietnam, one rings louder than all the rest — it is impossible to win a long, protracted war without popular support.
When the war in Vietnam began, many Americans believed that defending South Vietnam from communist aggression was in the national interest. Communism was threatening free governments across the globe. Any sign of non-intervention from the United States might encourage revolutions elsewhere.

Attica Prison riot

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Attica Prison uprising
Attica, New York (Correctional Facility).jpg
Attica Correctional Facility
DateSeptember 9–13, 1971
42°50′59″N 78°16′18″W

1,281 inmates 74 correctional officers (who managed to escape from becoming hostages)
550 state troopers
42 correctional officers and civilian workers (who are taken as hostages)
Casualties and losses
33 prisoners killed (29 by police bullets during the assault, 4 by inmates knives before the assault)
85 prisoners wounded (all by police bullets during the assault)
1 state trooper wounded by police bullet during the assault
10 correctional officers killed (1 died before the assault of his head injures, 8 died during the assault by police bullet, 1 died of his Injuries after the assault by gunshot wounds)
5 correctional officers wounded during the assault (3 by police bullets, 2 by inmates knives)
The Attica Prison uprising, also known as the Attica Prison rebellion or Attica Prison riot, occurred at the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York, United States, in 1971. Based upon prisoners' demands for better living conditions and political rights, the uprising was one of the most well-known and significant uprisings of the Prisoners' Rights Movement. On September 9, 1971, two weeks after the killing of George Jackson at San Quentin State Prison, 1,281 of the Attica prison's approximately 2,200 inmates rioted and took control of the prison, taking 42 staff hostage.

Gen Xer and Millennial are soft and weak. 
So called Baby Boomers get blamed for the real baby's, the Gen Xer and Millennial.
All because the Boomers babied them.  
The so called Baby Boomers lived in the age of the cold war. Air raid drills and bomb shelters.

Hiding under our desk at school.

The Cuban missiles that could have ended the world. (the nukes now are 1000 time more powerful than the ones dropped on Japan)
The Bay of Pigs. The President Kennedy's assassination. 

The Vietnam war. Being drafted and sent to war. The Vietnam war killed 58,000+ US troops. Image result for Vietnam war

The Watergate and president Nixon resigning. 
Thanks to the "Greatest Generation".

USS Pueblo Incident - Attack & Capture: By North Korean January, 1968.

Iran hostage crisis: Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 day in Iran. November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981

High interest rates, high inflation, and high unemployment.
And low economic growth.


Stagflation is a condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment, or economic stagnation, accompanied by rising prices, or inflation. It can also be defined as inflation and a decline in gross domestic product (GDP).

Wage and price Controls.[1970's]
Economy-wide wage and price controls, most commonly instituted as a response to inflation, and usually seeking to establish wages and prices below free market level.

Warnings of Social Security going Bankrupt. [it may, because the X ers and Millennial's are not having children to pay for it]
So if there are real assets in the Social Security Trust Fund—$2.6 trillion allegedly—, the surplus was spent on things like the Vietnam war. 
Spent by the "Greatest Generation", LBJ for one.
Not to worry, most of us evil Baby Boomers will be dead in 20 years.

OPEC oil embargo., No gas, waiting lines for gas,
odd- even days for buying gas. The price of oil goes up 400%.

All thanks to the "Greatest Generation".
The gen X ers and Millennial have nothing close to that. But they want me to feel sorry for them?
For what?

I worked in a factory for 40 years to put food on the table and cloths on their backs for an ungrateful
folks. I didn't look for a job I liked, just a job. I went to war and served my country. I didn't start the war but I went and did my patriotic chore. Unlike many others,
 Image result for worked in a factory
I didn't cry about it. I just did it.
Now the new generations want to blame me, the "Baby Boomer" for their weakness.
Oh, its the "Baby Boomer" fault, for raising baby's, 
you Gen Xer and Millennial have it so easy compared to the Baby Boomers it's sicking that you complain. 
Just say thanks and move on.

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