Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Red Line

Kliphnote: Does Oh' bama know what a red line is? What a joke, weak and mindless. OMG


Obama on Syria ‘red line’: The world drew that, not me


By Doug Powers  •  September 4, 2013 12:37 PM
**Written by Doug Powers
About a year ago, President Obama said “a red line for us” — presumably meaning his administration — would be Syria moving around or utilizing chemical weapons:

From a transcript that appears on the White House website, here’s a White House official on a background call about the Syria situation from April of this year (via The Weekly Standard):

And the people in Syria and the Assad regime should know that the President means what he says when he set that red line. And keep in mind, he is the one who laid down that marker. He’s the one who directed that we provide this information to the public. And he’s the one who directed that we do everything we can to further investigate this information so that we can establish in credible, corroborated, factual basis what exactly took place.
Jay Carney in July of this year: [The president] is not bluffing on the red line:

Fast forward to today in Sweden. Obama denied personally setting a red line, claiming that “the world” set the red line:

In the parlance of the overly flatulent, that is known as “blaming the dog.”
Meanwhile, John McCain might support Obama’s call for an attack on Syria, but Maverick really has his poker face on for this debate.
**Written by Doug Powers

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