Friday, April 26, 2013

Mosque In Boston----Weekend News


Bombers' Mosque In Boston A Factory For Terrorists

Homeland Insecurity: The New York Times thinks the Boston bombers "self-radicalized" on the Web. But it didn't look at their mosque, which has churned out other terrorists, too.

USA Today, on the other hand, did look at their mosque — the Islamic Society of Boston — and found "a curriculum that radicalizes people," according to a local source quoted in the paper's investigation. "Other people have been radicalized there."

In fact, several ISB members and leaders have been convicted or suspected of terrorism, including:
Abdurahman Alamoudi, the mosque's founder and first president, who in 2004 was sentenced to 23 years in federal prison for plotting terrorism as al-Qaida's top fundraiser in America.
Aafia Siddiqui, an MIT scientist-turned-al-Qaida agent, who in 2010 was sentenced to 86 years in prison for planning a New York chemical attack.
Tarek Mehanna, who in 2012 was sentenced to 17 years for plotting to use automatic weapons to murder shoppers in a suburban Boston mall.
Ahmad Abousamra, an ex-mosque official's son, who fled the country after the FBI charged him with conspiring with Mehanna to kill Americans.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a mosque trustee and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader banned from the U.S. after issuing a fatwa that OK'd killing U.S. soldiers.
Jamal Badawi, a former ISB trustee who in 2007 was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plan to funnel $12 million to Palestinian suicide bombers.
In justifying mall attacks, the FBI said Abousamra stated "civilians were not innocent because they paid taxes to support the government and because they were kaffir (non-Muslims)."

The Tsarnaev brothers, who killed three and injured some 200 spectators, appeared to share that rationale.
In 2009, ISB invited Yasir Qadhi to speak, even though the Saudi radical advocates turning the U.S. into an Islamic state and calls Christians "filthy" polytheists whose "life holds no value in the state of jihad."

The Tsarnaev brothers, who began radicalizing in 2009, posted YouTube videos featuring imams exhorting the death of Christians and Jews and calling for the establishment of the caliphate.
ISB leaders have defended its rotten apples, including Siddiqui and Mehanna, despite overwhelming evidence against them.

USA Today reports the mosque gets millions from the Saudis, who push an anti-Western strain of Islam. And it's run by the Muslim American Society, which the FBI believes is the main U.S. front for the Muslim Brotherhood, which created Hamas and al-Qaida.

In its propaganda, MAS routinely claims America is at war with Islam. The younger Tsarnaev brother cited this myth as a reason for attacking innocents.
President Obama vows to finally crack down on terrorists. Perhaps he should focus on the spiritual factories radicalizing them.

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