Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Biden Gaffes in EU

Biden Gaffes His Way Across Europe

10:38 AM, Feb 5, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER
In his first foreign trip in the second term of President Barack Obama's presidency, Vice President Joe Biden is gaffing his way across Europe. Biden's three country trip has taken him from Germany to France and, finally, to the UK, where he's just finishing meetings.
Joe Biden official portrait crop
Today, after attending a UK national security council meeting, Biden said that he was "delighted to do it, I spent half my life on OUR national security council," according to the pool report. In fact, Biden has only been on the U.S. National Security Council for four years--the four years the 70-year-old vice president has served in the Obama administration, and not the 35 years he suggested.
Also in London, Biden praised the tight bond between the U.S. and Britain by calling it an "open relationship." "We have a great relationship, and as you all know, the most open relationship we have with any nation in the world is with Great Britain," said Biden.
Biden also got Portugal mixed up with Poland. The UK Telegraph calls it the vice president's "latest embarrassing gaffe for the vice president."
"Biden has a well-earned reputation as a gaffe-maker extraordinaire, and this speech was no exception. In a key passage on the Eurozone debt crisis, Biden referred to Portugal, as Poland, a mistake subsequently corrected in the official White House transcript," reports the Telegraph, pointing to this excerpt:

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