Sunday, October 14, 2012

Biden's debate

Through His Teeth

AP Images
The notoriously gaffe-prone train enthusiast and current vice president of the United States made a number of factually inaccurate statements during last night’s debate.

Matthew Balan | October 12, 2012 | 21:44
On Friday afternoon, Joe Biden lived up to his reputation for committing gaffes, not even a day after Paul Ryan zinged the Vice President over how "sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way" during Thursday's debate. At a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Biden claimed Planned Parenthood "under law cannot perform any abortions." In reality, the organization is the largest abortion racket in the country.

Hours later, none of the Big Three's Friday evening newscasts had covered Biden's patently false claim. But just two days earlier, these programs devoted a
combined five minutes and 1 second on Wednesday to Mitt Romney's statement to The Des Moines Register that "there's no legislation with regard to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda." NBC's Brian Williams mouthed the Obama campaign's spin - that "what Mitt Romney said about abortion that sure sounds like a change."

Tim Graham | October 13, 2012 | 14:07
No one was more over the top in praising ABC's Martha Raddatz as debate moderator than her colleagues at ABC. Former ABC News president David Westin -- the man so deeply biased to the left that he declared a journalist can't judge if the Pentagon is a legitimate target for a terrorist attack -- honored Raddatz on The Huffington Post with an article titled "Why and How Martha Won the Debate -- Over Media Bias."
He said the public reaction was "overwhelmingly favorable," and then guess who he quoted? "I vote for Martha Raddatz to moderate all the debates," from Roger Ebert. "Everyone seems to agree that @martharaddatz is the star of this debate," from Charlie Rose. Liberal opinion equals public opinion?

Read more:
Tim Graham | October 12, 2012 | 18:30
NBC's Meet the Press just released a clip of host David Gregory interviewing Stephen Colbert -- a Colbert who's trying to talk as a sincere citizen, without the idiot-conservative gloss. You could tell, because he declared "if Obama wins – I hope he keeps some of the promises he didn’t keep the first time." Gregory grinned broadly at that notion, but didn't ask for specifics.
Gregory began by asking Colbert if the election result mattered. Colbert said yes, "I'm not Ralph Nader." He said "There is a possibility that Obama would be say, more aggressive – a more aggressive reformer or changer in this second act of his presidency. " He also said he couldn't tell from the differing Mitt Romneys which one would be president:

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