Friday, August 17, 2012

Weekend News

 This is the anti-news for this weekend.
               The superiority of Liberals.

Liberals think their life style and intellect is far superior 
to us Neanderthals.  Because they say so.

That's why they want the government to hold their hand. 
While us Conservatives (Neanderthals) want to make
it on our own.  

superiority complex
1. An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others.
2. A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.
The American Heritage® Dictionary 

Why is it that the Liberals think they are so much smarter than
the rest of us? 
(You notice how they still belittle Bush?)

 They think they have much higher morals than the rest of us?

Why do Liberals mock religion? Because they think you have to be 
a fool to believe in a religion. 
And they are smarter than that.

Why do Liberals think that Conservatives want the poor and old
to die?  
(The USA has the riches "poor" people in the world.
The US has spent 8 trillion dollars on the war on poverty.
And it's not any better! But they all have cell phones.)

Liberals think they have higher social values because they 
embrace and endorse the gay and lesbian life style.
And a women's right to abortion for 9 months makes
them better than us.

Than why is it the Liberals are telling everyone else how to live
their lives, by deciding for us what to eat and drink.
Because they know what is good for us, we are too stupid.

It's always a class warfare with Liberals.

I could go on and on and.......

You get the point, Liberals are so much better than the rest 
of us. Just ask them.
They are also more naive.

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