Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Obama has added "tea-bagger"

The term "tea-bagger" is like uttering the "n" word, some say. Though he aspires to promote civility, evidence has surfaced that President Obama has added "tea-bagger" to his public lexicon, though it's considered a cheap and tawdry insult by "tea party" activists. Watchdogs at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) barked when they saw the proof, tucked in a sneak peak of Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter's new book, "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," to be released May 18. Indeed, it appears the president joined certain partisan critics and the liberal media, and took the tea-bag plunge.

Kliphnote: Isn't funny how Obama (and others) can call the Tea party "tea-baggers".
But don't dare call Obama a socialist. 
I can hear the liberals now, Well Obama is not a socialist. 
And the Tea party are not "tea-baggers."
It's always a one way street with liberals.
Liberals belittle Palin, Joe the plumber, Bush, Rove, Cheney, Fox news, etc.
But you can never say anything bad about "The One".
Is Obama Commander-in-Chief? 
Why doesn't he just ban "don't ask don't tell"? You tell me?

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