BTW, I think everyone should have health care insurance. There has to be a better plan than Obama's plan.
As soon as I heard it was a thousand pages (like the cap & trade) I knew it was not going to be good.
Pass a 28th Amendment, guaranteeing everyone health insurance.
Than have the government (tax payers) pay for it. Let see how that goes.
Just because Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Post Office, and Amtrak are going broke doesn't mean Health Care has to.
The House should put Health Care up for a vote.
They have the numbers. It will pass. But they won't vote on it.
You know why they won't? Because all 435 are up for reelection next year.
And if they vote for it they may not get reelected.
Remember the first job of a politician is to get reelected.
That would change if we had term limits. For the better or worse.
If the House members and Obama thought it was a good Health Care plan than why don't they take? Or better yet, we the people get the same plan they have.
What was the idea of giving our politicians free health care and other gold star benefits.
Than paying them 5X ($174,00) what the average working man makes.
And many of these people never had a real job, ever! But they feel our pain.
Something wrong with the system.
And one way to fix it is by having the members of the House and Senate have the same health care as the tax payers do. That would be a start.
Than we could work on their pensions.
When they start making the same money as the average person makes, and has the same bills to pay, than they can say they "feel our pain".
Until than I don't expect much.
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