What do you call it when a Government is collecting information
on people it disagrees with?
And associates them with Nazis?
These are protest at "TOWN HALL" meetings.
Not an organized protest at a mall or park.
This is from the same people that LOVE their "Community Organizer", and ACORN.
But hates it when someone else is organizing a protest, against their hero.
Than the Government is collecting information on people.
And have union thugs come in and beat up people.
Union thugs closing doors to keep people out of meetings.
Just who are the "Brown Shirts" and "carrying swastikas"?
Just who is trying to stop the "democratic process"?
It is NOT the protesters, it's the Government!
This is Government out of control.
It reminders me of Orwell's 1984, 25 years late.
OMG, wake up people!!
When will the Congressional investigations and hearings begin?
President Bush, speaking in Washington before a group of small-business owners, focused on the drop in the unemployment rate, which he called "a positive sign that the economy is getting better."
According to the household survey, the number of people at work fell by a net 54,000 in December. Nevertheless, the unemployment rate fell because a net 309,000 people stopped looking for work and so dropped out of the labor force.
Does George W. Bush really believe that this is good news?
I just get a kick out of it when it is the other way around.
White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say
The White House has been under fire since posting a blog on Tuesday that asks supporters to e-mail any "fishy" information seen on the Web or received electronically.
The White House strategy of turning supporters into snitches when they see "fishy" information about the health care debate may run afoul of the law, legal experts say.
"The White House is in bit of a conundrum because of this privacy statute that prohibits the White House from collecting data and storing it on people who disagree with it," Judge Andrew Napolitano, a FOX News analyst, said Friday.
"There's also a statute that requires the White House to retain all communications that it receives. It can't try to rewrite history by pretending it didn't receive anything," he said.
"If the White House deletes anything, it violates one statute.
If the White House collects data on the free speech, it violates another statute."
Napolitano was referring to the Privacy Act of 1974, which was passed after the Nixon administration used federal agencies to illegally investigate individuals for political purposes. Enacted after Richard Nixon's resignation in the Watergate scandal, the statute generally prohibits any federal agency from maintaining records on individuals exercising their right to free speech.
The White House has been under fire since it posted a blog on Tuesday that asked supporters to e-mail any "fishy" information seen on the Web or received electronically to flag@whitehouse.gov.

U.S.Congressman Brian Baird, D-Vancouver
Over 10 years in Congress, U.S. Rep. Brian Baird has stayed tethered to his district, flying back to Southwest Washington for more than 300 sometimes-bruising town hall meetings during Congressional recesses.
But this year, he's literally decided to phone it in.
Instead of appearing in person, where "extremists" would have "the chance to shout and make YouTube videos," Baird said Wednesday, he's holding what he calls "telephone town halls" instead.
Baird said he's using the new system because he
fears his political opponents may be planning
"an ambush" to disrupt his meetings,
using methods Baird compared to Nazism.
"What we're seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics,"
Baird, D-Vancouver, said in a phone interview. "
I mean that very seriously."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
“I think they are Astroturf . . . you be the judge,” Pelosi answered.
“They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a
town meeting on healthcare.”
A black conservative was attacked by(4) the Carnahan-supporting mob.
At least one SEIU member is arrested by St. Louis police in this video:
Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada accused the protesters of trying
to "sabotage" the democratic process.
This is what the Democrats think of saving Socal Securty. Not Much.
What has the Democrats done to save Socal Securty?........ NOTHING!
The Republicans did NOT have a filibuster -proof majority in the Senate.
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