Colin Powell, one of President Obama's most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president's ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the federal debt too much.
"I'm concerned at the number of programs that are being presented, the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them," Mr. Powell said in an excerpt of an interview with CNN's John King, released by the network Friday morning.
But, he said, "one of the cautions that has to be given to the president -- and I've talked to some of his people about this -- is that you can't have so many things on the table that you can't absorb it all."
"And we can't pay for it all," said Mr. Powell.Kliphnote:
- Obama has been telling people this for two years, now it comes as a surprise. Wake up!
Oh, you can pay for it, just raise taxes. He will. On the middle class. - Just remember one thing, the ONLY reason Powell backed Obama.....because he is black.
- The ONLY reason.
[ Update: Powell was never a Conservative Republican. He was always left leaning. But why would he back Obama who is FAR left? Much further left than we were to believe Powell was. Powell never backed a Democrat in the past. So why did he back Obama?
He was Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor. He campaigned for John McCain and George W Bush.
McCain is a moderate Republican. Like Powell?
Powell didn't have to endorse anyone.
But he waited until less than a month before the election to endorse Obama. Good timing.
Powell endorsed a FAR left Liberal Democrat. Not a moderate from either party.
Now he didn't like MaCain. He wanted the Veep job, then switched when Palin got?
He didn't like Palin, too conservative for him. Well guess what? Powell is too Liberal for me.
And we are to believe it didn't have anything to do with race. RIGHT? Ha,ha
Why was he Republican in the first place? If Powell was going to back Obama because he agreed with Obama's far left ideas than he should have been a Liberal Democrat, not a moderate Republican. Of course I'll be called a racist of my opinions. I've been called worse. Than again this is the Center for Free Opinions. People don't like it TOO bad!
You believe what you want to believe and I'll believe what I want to believe. ]
If you believe otherwise you have your head in the sand or some other place.
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