The numbers game
Aaron Gee
18 - Have you heard that number recently? Eighteen ethics complaints. Type that phrase into Google's news site and you get 670 results. This is the number we hear repeated again and again whenever the name "Sarah Palin" comes up. Flip through the news channels and if you hear the name "Sarah Palin" you will soon after here words like "ethics investigations" or "investigations". The rumors and "news reporting" are so outlandish that even the FBI had to make a statement denying that the feds are investigating her. We rarely hear about how many of those charges were dismissed (15 at last count)
Here's another number for you: 12. Not ringing a bell? Let me help you with the math, there are 8 members of the house and 4 senators in our equation. Still not ringing a bell? 12 Democratic congresspeople are currently under investigation by various state and federal agencies (and 4 Republicans). Yet it hardly makes news. Here is an experiment go to and search for '"sarah palin" ethics'. You will get 3,850 results. From the same web site try searching for 'democrat congress ethics' and you get 485 results.
Simply Astounding.
This indicates to me that the left and their press lapdogs are scared to their very core of Sarah Palin. It also clearly demonstrates that the democratic talk about cleaning up congress was just a political ploy. The left leaning press hopes that you will remember the number 18 and forget the number 12. Is it any wonder traditional media audience numbers are falling?Hat tip-AT
Palin, the most hated Conservative in the last 50 years.
What are they scared of?
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