Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama Wins

Obama Wins

Obama won the debate.
That is it. There is no question who won. It should be over. McCain can save money by dropping
out, now. The media says Obama won, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, USA-TODAY, LA / NY TIMES, Chicago Tribune, etc.
All said Obama won. The election is over, Obama wins by 15%.

Democrats have control of congress.
The Democrats will increase their majority in both the house and the senate.
And it will be that way for the foreseeable future.

The US Attorneys(200) will be liberals. The Supreme Court will be liberals.
We move closer to socialism.
Laws that have been upheld by the Supreme Court will be overturned by the new liberal court.
Think what laws been have passed or upheld.
The ban on late term abortion will be overturned.
The Second Amendment will be overturned. And more.

If you don't believe me, wait and see.

So, the American people have chosen.

PS. The debate has not happened yet.
Just what I think the outcome will be.

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