Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Governor Cuomo

Dear Fellow New Yorker,
Since taking office, Governor Cuomo has made it a top priority to transform our state's education system to one that promotes student performance and teacher accountability. A key part of the Governor’s reform effort was the agreement he achieved on a nationally-recognized teacher evaluation system, which was passed by the Legislature in March.
The teacher evaluation law sets guidelines for a combination of multiple measures, including classroom observation and student achievement through exams. Under this law, school districts across the state are required to submit teacher evaluation plans that are then approved by the State Education Department.
Early on, SED posted ten model teacher evaluation plans to serve as examples to aid school districts in the creation of their plans. Already, nearly half of New York State’s school districts have submitted plans, and more than 100 have been approved by the SED.

The Governor commends the hard work of all those involved in creating these plans: performance-based evaluation plans will ensure our students are getting the knowledge and tools they need to compete in the global economy.
The new New York puts students first.
The Office of the Governor

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