Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Updated November 18, 2009

AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book 'Fact Check'

by Robert Shaffer


Reviewing books and holding public figures accountable is at the core of good journalism, but the Associated Press' treatment of Palin's book seems an unprecedented move at the wire service

Sarah Palin is no normal politician, and at the Associated Press, apparently "Going Rogue" is no normal book.

When the former Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska governor wrote her autobiography, the AP found a copy before its release date and assigned 11 people to fact check all 432 pages.

The AP claims Palin misstated her record with regard to travel expenses and taxpayer-funded bailouts, using statements widely reported elsewhere. But it also speculated into Palin's motives for writing "Going Rogue: An American Life," stating as fact that the book "has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto."

Palin quickly hit back on a Facebook post titled "Really? Still Making Things Up?"

"Imagine that," the post read. "11 AP reporters dedicating time and resources to tearing up the book, instead of using the time and resources to 'fact check' what's going on with Sheik Mohammed's trial, Pelosi's health care takeover costs, Hasan's associations, etc. Amazing."


Pangolin said...

This is the problem with homeskooled ameriKKKa; meaning you.

Palin was the bitch-queen of junior-high-school and never grew a single new neural connection since. The fact that you support her when you can read and write yourself is just sad. She's alliterate.

Bush was also a moron. Reagun had alzheimers. Is thinking too hard for y'all?

Kliph said...

You are a left wing loon.
You give no reasons for your hate.
Just diarrhea of the mouth.

Let me guess you're under 35 and have never been in the Army.

You have a meaningless job, if you have a job at all.

You want the government to hold your hand.
Because you can't stand on your own two feet.

You are a reason for abortion.

Kosha Studios said...


You love to attack people on Blogs, are you a Cyber Thug Wannabe?
Did your mom breast feed you till you were 5 or maybe she still is doing it?
I can picture you in High School the little tree hugging mamma's boy. You are most likely one of those kids I wanted to stick in the locker.
But look at you now!! You have the power of the internet to act big and bad. I can see you are the type who plays World of Warcraft just to act tough online knowing all is safe behind your screen. Do you feel powerful now?