Wednesday, November 18, 2009

63% oppose abortions.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 6:06 AM
Jim Hoft

A recent CNN poll found that 61% of Americans oppose tax-funded abortions and 63% of Americans oppose most or all abortions.
But the Obama Administration told reporters that they will
strip the Stupak Amendment that bans tax-funded abortions from their nationalized health plan.

Lifesite News reported, via Free Republic:


Pangolin said...

This is what is wrong with america; mexicans have to do all the work. They mow all the lawns. They do all the meat processing. They pick all the fruits and vegetables and keep everything clean in all the offices, hotels and motels.

Now the poor bastards are stuck with the job of kicking ass on right wing whack-jobs. What happened to Irish-american union thugs of yore? Fired and outsourced that's what.

Kliph said...

Do you know what you're talking about?
The concern is illegals. ILLEGALS !

I am not talking about those that came here legally. No one is!

We should treat illegals like their home country does. Lock them up.

The US is the only country in the world that lets illegals stay.

Get your head out of your ass.

Pangolin said...

Well, if your family was in Mexico starving you'd go where the jobs were just like they did. I remind you that Mexican oil keeps US cars running and Mexican natural gas heats our houses. Better eat ALL your meals at home bud 'cause those illegals are just dying to give you hepititis. I'd be a might suspicious of fruits and vegetables you didn't grow yourself too.

Exactly how is it that a human can be illegal just by existing? Right Christian of you that is considering your native american ancestry and all.

Must be the Gospel of Booosh..... "Blessed are the wealthy and pale of skin for they shall not have to clean their own buildings, tend their own gardens or prepare their own meals."

Kliph said...

My family came here legally.
Just as they should have.

They learned to speak English.
Just as they should have.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to be posted on my blog ever again sound intelligent.

Until than, Why don't you do us all a favor
and go play in the street.

Kosha Studios said...


If you hate it here why do you stay? You asked what makes them Illegal? Its the Law. The same Law that keeps them out of Jail here in the states at the moment. The same Laws that makes them want to live here in the first place.
My wife's cousin had a good question. "Why must she learn to speak Spanish to talk to her employees here in the Untied States of America were the country's spoken and written language is English?"
To me at times Illegals have more rights then Legals. As for the Gas/Oil stuff I'm guessing you are also one of these guys that says all of our Oil comes from Iraq during an Iraq War post. But since this is about Illegals its Mexico.