Saturday, October 31, 2009

Than they came after you!

Guess who show up at the White House? Bill Ayers and George Soros, people Obama
"barely knew". What a joke. Both FAR left. I don't care, just be honest about it.
"Only about 110 names —and 481 visits —out of the hundreds of thousands who have visited the Obama White House were made public."

First they came for the Doctors, and I did speak out--because I was not a Doctor.

Than they came for the Insurance companies, and I did not speak out--because I did not work for the Insurance companies.

Than they came after the News net-work, and I did not speak out--because I did not work for the News net-work.

Than they came after the Chambers of Commerce, and I did not speak out-- because I did not work for the Chambers of Commerce.

Than they came after the Church, and I did not speak out-- because I did not go to Church.

Than they came after me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

(A take off of a poem attributed to Martin Niemöller.)

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